At Trafalgar we will make sure that you have the best opportunities to learn
We will share our love of learning and of our subjects with you
we will help you know how to learn and organise yourselves
we will teach you interesting lessons and challenge you to push yourselves - the sky is the limit!
we will provide lots of trips, clubs and experiences so that you can grow as a person
we will always remember that education is not just about what happens in the classroom but so much more
we will support you to fail well so that you learn and move forward
try learning to cook something new - what about baking?
research something you've always wondered about
download a random fact app
learn a new word
think about how others are feeling & workout why
learn a new dance routine or the words to a new song
sign up for a class
read the news more - download a news app
try new hobbies that challenge you such as writing a blog, taking up a new sport or learning to paint
if you hear something you don't understand, google it straight away
set up a book club
learn more about your family history